The greatest creations are those that as you create them, you get lost in your thoughts, by the time you're tired of thinking you're holding in your hands, something from deep within...

Welcome inside my head, my heart...

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Dragon head, WIP.

Hi there :) Thanks for stopping by.

I'm workin on my dragon for marilyn's class. I just finished the head.

The dragon i had visualized was(almost) serpent-like.
When i first had the vision I quickly sketched it so i wouldnt loose it, i just pulled out the sketch and his head turned out pretty much how I envisioned it, what a nice surprise! Please wish me as much luck with the body ;) It's not quite finished but he will need the body attached before i can get to the next part :)

More progress pics to come soon!
Thanks for visiting!

Big hugs



MaryO said...

Incredible, Sprite! I'm anxious to see how you finish this one!

Lea said...

Sprite... you are magic... the dragon's head is just beautiful.

Jean Bernard said...

wooooooohooooooooooo LOVE where your brain goes ! He is perfect! Keep going! I must see him finished!

Stefania Morgante said...

wonderful Sprite, wonderful texture and shape, I love this head, really really wonderful! Stef

jeannette said...

cant wait to see it finished.. i love his expression..he looks very wise! with a hint of mischief :)

Sandra Evertson said...

I Heart your art, it is a delicate and precious thing.

Carrie said...

never mind the body send it to me and I will make a bottle spirit from it.