Amazing project. I love working with gourds!
Here are the different views from each of 3 archways....
My little dragons' home is now complete. :)
Click to enlarge :D
Creations - Sculptures, Drawings and Whatnot.
Please do not reproduce, use or misuse any of my content. Please ask me first. That's not so hard, is it? Thank you! :)
As anyone who knows me, at all, will tell you, I'm a bit (ridiculously) shy when it comes to showing my creations, I always have been. I guess its because they are such a part of me, I find it hard to put them out there for the world to see...
I created this little blog so friends and family could see what I’m working and maybe it will calm my nerves and help me overcome the fear of knowing someone is watching, since I can't actually see them doing it ;). Hey, it's a big step, I’m getting better!
No matter how much I have learned, I still have so much more to discover on this wonderful journey, I’m looking forward to it. I'm having a fantastic time learning, meeting the most amazing people, and making beautiful friends...
I am flattered that you have come to visit me. I'm looking forward to getting to know you and sharing with you this little world I've kept my secret for so long ;) I hope to capture it's inhabitants as real as I've seen them and hope you will enjoy them as much as I have.
You cannot imagine how encouraging the simplest of words can be...If there's something here you’ve enjoyed seeing please leave me a comment.... and know i will be giving a giant virtual hug for it...
Big hugs and lots of luv,
What a beautiful home just perfect for that fabulous dragon!! I would love to see more good dragons available to purchase.
They are the best i have seen, thankyou so much for sharing your work.
AWESOME job once again Sprite :)
But I don't know about you being "sooooo shy" LOL
Jay ;)
Wow, Sprite, this is fantastic! I'll bet Marilyn is proud of you.
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